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A Brief Overview of The Causes of Prostatitis









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-12-13 13:30:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The residual urine that cannot be excreted becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Or, during work, some women always hold urine, letting the urethra be stimulated to some extent. The frequency and pain of urination and even hematuria brought about by cystitis make women restless and seriously affect their quality of life. So the key to preventing cystitis in women is to keep the perineal area clean and dry. Pay attention to the hygiene of the vulva area and avoid having an unclean sex life to reduce the possibility of women suffering from cystitis.

For women with cystitis, doctors often recommend Telegram Number Data herbal remedies. For example, the herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, is specially formulated to treat urinary tract disorders. Both men and women can use it. It is effective in detoxifying and sterilizing and thus diuretic and laxative, and it can also effectively repair the affected area, promote the body's metabolism, and enhance the body's immunity.

The causative bacteria are different and different bacteria need to be treated with different medications in order to have a good effect. In addition, women should remember not to blindly treat the disease, as there are many causes, and failure to treat the cause will only aggravate the disease and bring more harm, and the hospital exists to help women get rid of pain caused by diseases.
It is important for women to understand the causative factors and to prevent and treat them to ensure that they stay away from the adverse effects of cystitis quickly.


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