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You need to change jobs if you have these 5 signs









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发表于 2023-6-14 20:44:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 meherulk35 于 2023-6-14 20:46 编辑

According to Harvard Business Review, not the salary, the following 5 signs are the reason for you to know it's time to switch jobs.

No matter how old you are this year, what background Denmark Phone Number List you come from and what achievements you have, on your career journey there will always be times when you feel like you need a change as well as opportunities. appear new and attractive to you.

A LinkedIn report found that only 25% of its 313 million users are actively looking for work.

And 60% of users tend to be more passive. They won't actively switch jobs, but they will also seriously consider new opportunities.

Tracing back to the roots, human nature is prone to fear and avoid change. As the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard discovered:  "Anxiety is a disease associated with freedom."

Even if the current situation makes us unhappy, we will still try to adapt to it before taking the initiative to change.

Indeed, the meta-analysis also shows that although the working environment has negative attitudes, it is difficult to engage with work, and the corporate culture is also difficult to integrate, in general people continue to hold their positions. existing position for a long time.

Moreover, because many people jump jobs mainly because of emotional factors rather than reason, people are more likely to be disappointed in the results. Then, they fall more and more into thinking that a familiar environment is still more comfortable and secure.


Academic research shows that job instability and job insecurity are the main causes of psychological pressure in modern people.

It is therefore not surprising that the World Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development considers occupational security an important part of quality of life.

All of the above explains that, no matter how boring a job is, it can be hard for us to make up our mind to give it up immediately.

To help you decide if you can change jobs at the most opportune time, psychological research offers you the following five telltale signs.

5 signs that you need to change jobs soon
1. You have not learned anything from your current job
Many studies have shown that one of the happiest moments for adult adults is when they can constantly learn new things at work and feel that they are improving every day.

This is especially true for people who are inherently curious, creative, and always hungry for knowledge of new things.

2. You show poor performance at work
If you are feeling your stagnation, working like a driverless car, it will forever go nowhere.

Sooner or later, this state of affairs will cripple your ability, devalue people in the job market, and your resume can be put to shame.

If you want to work more energetic and fun, you better try changing the environment and nature of work to find an aspect that can stimulate your enthusiasm. In this way, your working ability can be maximized.

3. Your value is undervalued
Even if employees are satisfied with their salary and promotion opportunities, they still cannot enjoy their jobs well unless they receive recognition, especially from their immediate superiors. .

On the contrary, people who are often undervalued at work easily deplete their enthusiasm and can produce behaviors that have a negative impact, such as giving up work, making a habit of having, and being irresponsible. Causing serious consequences.

And in the case of an undervalued leader, the risk is much higher than that of ordinary employees. If they create inhibitions, perform some bad behavior, the consequences are likely to affect the entire company.

4. You work just to make money
Although most of the time, people's decisions about jobs are judged based on financial reasons. But a job for the sole purpose of making money is the most unworthy job.

According to the “Research Review: Money Affects Motivation” previously published in the Harvard Business Review, rewards with an impact on morale always bring about 3 times more motivating effects than rewards. have only material impact on employees.

In some cases, unsatisfactory material values ​​can also backfire, causing people to lose motivation, reduce their desire to study or challenge personal challenges, snuff out enthusiasm for work, and become negative. .

5. You don't like your boss
There is a saying: We join for the company and leave for the boss.

In a leadership survey, it was found that 75% of employees reported that the most stressful part of their job came from a direct or indirect leader. The vast majority of people's reasons for choosing to change jobs also come from their bosses.

Therefore, building a leadership style with both mind and scope needs to be on top.

Of course, these 5 signs aren't all you need to look out for.

There are many other factors that also have a huge impact on forcing you to make the decision to switch jobs, such as: imbalance and conflict between work and life, economic.


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